How to love, For Lily

How do I let you go?

I wish you would walk by my side forever,

Rest your head on my foot,

Each night when we fall asleep.

Wake up in the morning,

A new walk,

A new journey

A new adventure.

I never want to forget your gaze,


Patient and loving
waiting for me always

The times I left

And you waited behind the door.

It must have felt like eternity.

How do I spend eternity without you?

How do I decide when it is time

To let you go?

I do not want to decide.


it was to have made this decision two times before.

For my father

Whose battle with death
Agonized over many days.

Even after they removed the tubes

That fed and kept him alive.

You were there

When my mother died.

How hard it was to decide to let her go

Cracked ribs,

Brain death,

Organs shutting down.

What choice did we have but to let her go?

Life sustaining means


Her heart stopped within minutes.

Yet in my


I would hear her say,

I wasn’t ready.

I was consumed with grief.

You Embraced my heart,

Knowing how to comfort me.

Insulate my world

With a feeling of security,

Unconditional love and companionship.

My heart aches and aches

And your own heart ,

Sick and dying,

Still knows how to love.

by J.Hamilton

3 thoughts on “How to love, For Lily

      • 💕 Of course.
        Have you ever heard of the Rainbow Bridge? It’s a poem for our precious pets when they pass.

        There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth.
        It is called Rainbow Bridge because of its many splendid colors.
        Just this side of Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills,
        and valleys with lush, green grass.
        When beloved pets die, they go to this place.
        There is always food and water and warm spring weather.
        The old and frail animals are young again.
        Those who are maimed are made whole again.
        They play all day with each other.
        There is only one thing missing.
        They are not with their special person who loved
        them on earth.
        So each day they run and play.
        Until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up!

        The nose twitches.
        The ears are up!
        The eyes are staring.
        And this one suddenly runs from the group.
        You have been seen!
        And when you and your special friend meet,
        you take him in your arms and embrace.
        Your face is kissed again and again and again,
        and you look once more more into the eyes of your trusting pet.
        Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together…
        Never again to be separated.
        By Unknown.


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